2022 Update: Moving ever further!

Movement on the Ground has grown significantly in 2022. We are now active in many new locations, from Poland to the Netherlands. We have taken up a significant role in caring for UnAccompanied Minors in the Netherlands, making sure many children have a good home in their new host country. We've also started a new collaboration with COA at one of the biggest centers for asylumseekers in the Netherlands, employing our Camp to CampUs method on Dutch soil for the first time. Of course, we also had many highlights amongst our communities continuing to do great work in Greece. From new football tournaments for men and women on the Cruyff courts, to the growth of our very own Movement Academy, we know our projects are making a difference. If you want to read stories concerning all the highlights of the last year, please visit https://movementontheground.com//page/motg-updates.