Support Movement On The Grounds mission to transform refugee camps!

Sinead MacArtain
from €500 (156%)
Donate to my fundraiser and help support Movement On The Ground's mission to transform all refugee hotspots towards safe, healing and enabling environments with and for refugee and local host communities. At the core of the Movement On The Ground mission is the ‘Camp to CampUs’ philosophy, the process of creating human-centred environments where refugees feel empowered and included in the running of services and projects, where people who are forced from their homes can develop their skills and talents and prepare for their future.
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€170 03-11-2021 | 15:10
€50 29-10-2021 | 12:52
€50 30-09-2021 | 13:10
€100 22-09-2021 | 19:12 Good luck Sinead x
€20 22-09-2021 | 18:10